Thursday, November 28, 2019

Military to Civilian Resume How to Translate Your Service Experience

Military to Civilian Resume How to Translate Your Service ExperienceMilitary to Civilian Resume How to Translate Your Service ExperienceHow to write a military-to-civilian resumeGet started by creating a master military resumeConsult your VMET and fitness evaluations for ideas and resume contentTranslate your military titles and skills for civilian readersFocus on experience that is relevant to the job for which youre applyingTop-load your resume with targeted keywords and accomplishmentsDont separate your military experience from your other work experienceGet help if you need itMilitary veterans transition into the corporate job market with a broad skillset and experience shouldering unimaginable responsibility. Unfortunately, most civilians have no idea whats going on in the military or how to decipher military terminology. To succeed in a post-military job search, its up to a transitioning veteran to create a military-to-civilian resume that describes their experience in a way tha t makes sense to civilian recruiters and hiring managers.To gain some insight, I spoke with three military resume expertsJen St. Pierre,Warriors to Work Specialist at Wounded Warrior ProjectDavid Madden,Veterans Representative at Worksource King CountyClif Cooper, Former Army Transition ManagerThe military speaks its own languages. Each tafelgeschirr has its own way of communicating things. Even between the different services within the military, I cant read some of their lingo, said Cooper. If the Army has trouble understanding the Navy or Air Force, you can bet that a civilian recruiter will be confused by all of it.If the veteran went straight from school into the military and hasnt had any schrift of civilian employment, when they come out, everything they speak is military language, said Madden. How do you go to an employer, who really knows nothing about the military, and answer when they ask, What was your job description?The first step in creating a strong military-to-civili an resume is to, as St. Pierre put it, demilitarize the language.What I mean by that is avoiding military terms and acronyms that civilian recruiters and hiring managers arent going to understand.Translate your titles, acronyms, equipment, skills, and anything else that could go over the head of a civilian decision-maker.Start with a master military resume using the terms you know bestWhen youre looking at a blank resume template, translating your military experience on the fly makes it a more difficult process than it needs to be.Itd be like me applying for a job in the Hague and trying to write it in Dutch in my first draft, explained Cooper. I would write it in English and then translate it to Dutch.For veterans struggling to get started, creating a master military resume can be an effective first step.I tell people when they write their resume, use military lingo on your first draft because thats what you know, said Cooper.In this master resume we can speak to everything, said M adden. They have that opportunity to get it out of their system.Consult your documentation and fitness evaluationsThere are records and resources available to all veterans that can provide a starting point or fill in some gaps.VMET stands for Vocational and Military Employment Training, explained St. Pierre. That is a document that every single service member receives when they transfer out. They dont really realize that they have access to it. Its basically their military resume. It contains every MOS military occupational specialty they were in with a description. Not only that, but every single course and certification they took.Alot of information is available on your fitness reports or evaluations and quarterly counselings, added Cooper.Its different in every branch of the service, continued St. Pierre. It could be a fit eval, or a fit rep. These are performance reviews. These contain such valuable information for a resume. They contain measurable results, number one. And numb er two, real specifics about their accomplishments, spoken from their leaders point of view.Digging up these documents can make a world of difference when it comes to creating a strong resume foundation.Translate your military ranks, titles, and dutiesCivilians do not understand the hierarchy or responsibilities of military titles. One of the most helpful things you can do on your military-to-civilian resume is to change your titles into something a civilian reader will find familiar.Most corporate and profitable environments arent going to have any idea how to translate E1, E2, first sergeant, warned St. Pierre. Instead of taking the time to research it, theyre going to count the candidate out of the lot because they dont understand.St. Pierre shared these examplesFor instance, E7 to E9 the civilian equivalent could be director, supervisor, department manager, senior advisor. Below that is an E4 to an E6, which depending on what service theyre in would be a corporal, specialist, p etty officer, or sergeant. That translates over to assistant manager, line supervisor, section leader, task leader, foreman. Same things with the lower ranks, like E1 to E3. Maybe they were private or a seaman recruit or a seaman apprentice. That could be a production worker, an assembler, a technician, an apprentice, or a kollektiv member. So even when theyre lower ranks, you can still give it a strong civilian title.This practice also extends beyond official titles to roles and duties.If I was a main battle tank crew member, in the civilian world, we would translate that to heavy equipment operator, explained St. Pierre. Were taking those titles and were civilianizing them.This can be a tough pill for veterans to swallow. Its notjust heavy equipment, after all. The responsibility of human safety or millions of dollars in equipment that comes with performing any number of military duties wont be found in your average civilian job description.The military gives you an immense amount of responsibility that you will never be responsible for again, said Cooper, but making your military resume accessible for civilian hiring personnel will make a big difference in your job search.Perhaps the most powerful tool for this type of translation is O*NETs Military Crosswalk search.Enter your service branch and classification code or title to receive a detailed report including all the tasks, skills, technology, and knowledge associated with the position, as well as a list of civilian-equivalent job titles.Alot of times individuals do not even know Military Crosswalk exists, said Madden.Translate everything you can on your resume. St. Pierre suggested spelling out any necessary acronyms and even replacing the word soldiers with personnel.Tailor your resume to the job descriptionA veteran thinks,and rightfully so, they can do human resources, operations, logistics kind of the whole gamut, said Cooper. While thats true, and theres nothing wrong with that mindset, it actually hurts them in the search.Veterans are trusted with a great deal of responsibility and can serve in a wide variety of roles throughout their military career. Its tricky to narrow all that experience down. Referring to some of the resumes she receives from her clients, St. Pierre jokingly said theyre like eight pages long.Once a transitioning veteran decides which direction to take their career, they benefit from removing as much unrelated experience as possible. A targeted resume is not a list of everything youve done. Rather, it answers the questions asked in the job description. Tailoring your resume to the job description makes it fast and easy for the recruiter to see how youll make an impact.Look at the things that are important to the employer in the job description, said Madden. Its great that youve done these things in the military, but the employer is looking for XYZ.We really want to focus on speaking the language of the employer, added St. Pierre.Both St. Pierre and Madde n advocate for using Jobscan to home in on what the employer wants to see. Jobscan analyzes your resume against the job description to see which skills and requirements youre missing.Thats what weve been able to help them do time and again by using Jobscan, said Madden. Weve been able to really take the game to another level because were speaking the language and were showing the veterans live, this is what it looks like.I bring up the Jobscan report and I walk them through it, said St. Pierre. Every single section, what it means, how to incorporate those keywords into the resume. It makes sense to them.Include your military measurable resultsAccomplishments and achievements are a great way for anyone to make their resume stand out. A military veterans experience is full of opportunities to include these measurable results.Usually what I do is talk veterans through stories and really figure out, what are the results? said Cooper. It needs to have a number whether its man hours, red uction in steps, or additional steps for compliance.For some veterans, aspects of their roles might overshadow seemingly mundane results, making it difficult for them to see the value. Nobody in the corporate world cares that you were a fighter pilot, pleaded Cooper. How much money did you save by buying doors or surfboards or windshields last year?We all deal with money because the military a global force now, continued Cooper. Simple things like government travel cards, saving money, coming up with better ways to save money can make for quality measurable results on a military-to-civilian resume.Theres so much project management within the military, St. Pierre used as an example. A strong action verb would be, Collaborated with a team of six senior leaders to develop a security action plan that resulted in zero incidents within the command for the year of 2017.As previously mentioned, some of these results can be found in the VMET or fit evals. Sometimes I take exact sentences fro m them because their leaders did a great job of quantifying and explaining the veterans accomplishments, said St. Pierre.Measurable results should be sprinkled throughout your resume, from your summary section down through your work experience.Military-to-civilian resume formatting tipsFormatting your military resume presents a unique challenge. You might have served through a series of diverse roles with increasing responsibility all around the world. How do you sum that up on a resume in a way that makes sense?The first top half of the resume is the most important, said St. Pierre. That is what a recruiter will spend their six-to-seven seconds on.After your name and contact information, St. Pierre recommends having a strong summary statementthat introduces that youre a veteran as well as your areas of expertise. She also recommends including a skills sectionso that the recruiter can easily find those resume keywords that they need.If you went back to school after leaving the milit ary and youre not far removed from earning a degree, your education section can come next.When it comes to your experience section, I wouldnt separate it out, military and civilian, advised St. Pierre. I would just put Work Experience.St. Pierre recommends breaking up your different roles within the military, but underneath a single heading for the service branch, resulting in something like thisSt. Pierre recommends breaking your military experience into multiple sections.This format helps keep the resume in a format familiar to the recruiter, and should help to minimize confusion.Get help if you need itSeek out assistance, concluded St. Pierre. Veterans arent expert resume writers and thats okay. Seek out subject matter experts and mentors. Like the Wounded Warrior Project Warriors to Work program, there are many, many VSOs out there that help.There are also people angeschlossen willing to help. Create a LinkedIn profile and follow or reach out to veteran career coaches and advoca tes like Michael Quinn, Leslie Coffey, Daniel Savage, Maggie Cutler, Tom Cal,Jacqueline Contreras, and others for tips, resources, and mentorship during your transition.Ready for More?Resume TipsResume SectionsReasons You Cant Find a Job

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Monday motivation 10 inspirational career quotes

Monday motivation 10 inspirational career quotesMonday motivation 10 inspirational career quotesUse these motivational career quotes to give yourself a Monday morning boost of inspiration.Were all striving for different things in our careers. Some of us are hoping to land a job we truly love, some are looking to ace a review or earn a bump in salary, and some of us are just trying to make it to Friday.Regardless of where you are in your professional life, a bit of motivation always helps. These motivational quotes will give you the boost of inspiration you need to get what you want in your career.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Handle Job Rejection With Professionalism

How to Handle Job Rejection With ProfessionalismHow to Handle Job Rejection With ProfessionalismHow to Handle Job Rejection With ProfessionalismTo respond or not to respond after job rejection, that is the question. What to do after youve been rejected.The job search can be emotionally draining and nothing can make it feel mora so than when you receive a job rejection letter for a position you really wanted. It can be hard to take, but that doesnt mean you simply have to accept it and walk away.With that said, there is a time and a place for responding tojob rejections, and there is definitely clear etiquette for how to do so. Below is a quick guide to assist you in crafting a response and also in determining if you really should send one in the first place.Should you respond to job rejection?There are a number of ways to deal with job rejection, and while most people just move on, there are times when you may feel strongly that you want to make your case. When deciding if its worth the emotional and time investment to craft a letter after job rejection, consider the following three questions (and be honest in your responses)How badly did you want this position?If you have been applying to multiple companies and to almost anything related to your field, this job rejection homilie is going to be one of many. What was it about this job beyond being a job that you wanted? If you dont really have an answer, then its not the time to respond. Take the rejection and wait for the right fit.How far into the process were you?Generally speaking, if you are only at the job-application phase of the process, theres no need to respond with a letter after job rejection. Your rejection was due to being screened out or to a strong candidate pool, so chances are, you need to start with analyzing your resume or skill set to determine why that was. However, there may be times when you feel strongly that you slipped through the cracks, so if your gut tells you something went awry from your submission to the hiring managers desk, you may still have a reason to respond.How personal was the job rejection?If you received a generic email, even after an interview, it may not be worth your time to respond with a letter after job rejection. There are a number of reasons for this, and some are based more on time restraints, but if the company didnt value your application enough to call or to send you more than a form letter, the response may go into a pile unread as well.All of these are only guidelines, as every case is different. Ive seen some candidates get a response when theyve been proactive at the early stages of the interview process, whereas others have gone through 5-6 interviews only to never hear a word. Consider your own comfort level and desire for continued contact before you decide to respond.How should you respond to job rejection?Should you decide to reach out, keep these guidelines in mind.Be politeRemember the golden rule we were taught as childre n. If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all. Remember, this is still a business communication, so keep your message professional. Nothing is worse than damaging a future relationship - and your professional brand. Thank the contact for their time, express your gratitude for the opportunity, and ask them to keep you in mind in the future.Be conciseShow the employer you value their time by keeping your message short and sweet. You are not responding to beg or to try and change their minds. You are simply leaving the door open for future discussions. Thank them for their consideration, tell them that you enjoyed meeting them regardless, and let them know you hope they will be in touch, should another opportunity thats a better fit open up down the line.Put the ball in their court and leave it thereWrap up the letter after job rejection with the response that allows the hiring manager a chance to reach out to you later. Leave a contact email and number, but dont attach a resume or add more information. You had the follow-up note for that, and the hiring manager has found the person they want to hire. Think of your message as an opportunity to cultivate a potential future partnership. Leave them to make the next move.It absolutely happens that people are contacted after a job rejection, and you will leave them with a positive feeling about you as a professional if you follow these steps.Is your current resume getting rejected? Let a TopResume writer help.Recommended ReadingCareer QuizIs Your Resume Ready to Beat the Bots?7MotivationTips for Job Seekers to Keep You GoingFree DownloadJob-Search Jumpstart PlanRelated Articles